What’s the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO? 

If you’re looking to gain more visibility online and drive more organic traffic to your site, then you should consider working with a team of Denver SEO experts. SEO is critical to gain visibility online and reach more potential web users and customers. But even if you aren’t an SEO expert, there are still things you can do for your site to climb the search engine rankings and reach more users than ever before.

Here, we’re taking a closer look into the world of SEO and digital marketing and exploring just why you need SEO for your site. If you’re looking to drive more organic traffic to your site, then you’ll need optimal SEO tools and strategies (both on-page and off-page) to improve the overall quality of your site and create a website that search engines will love. 

What is SEO?

Let’s start at the beginning. What exactly is this thing we call SEO? Well, SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to tools and strategies used to improve a website’s or eCommerce business’s overall quality. SEO focuses on both on-page and off-page (a topic we’ll dive into deeper later) so that a website can rank better on search engine results pages (SERPs). And why do these rankings matter so much for websites? In the crowded world wide web, it’s all about gaining visibility and organic traffic—and potentially, more customers.

You can find practically any service, product, or bit of information online. With so many resources available at the click of a button, this is now the preferred method for many people to do their shopping and information gathering. But while this may be amazing for web users, it’s also a challenge for anyone running a website. With so many endless options, how will they ever find your page or services? Well, welcome to search engines.

Search engines, like Google or Bing, work to sort through the internet to provide users with relevant and valuable information based on search queries. These search engines’ sole mission is to effectively connect users with the most suitable, trustworthy, and high-quality information out there. Otherwise, web users would continually be lost in all that information to be found online.

The secret to climbing search engine rankings is discovering what Google currently values in a website, such as consistent quality content, fast page speeds, security, and other essential factors. But what makes this even more challenging is that Google constantly updates its search algorithms. Thus, SEO is not a one-time fix. Instead, ensuring your site has good SEO is an ongoing process that requires the time and dedication of digital marketing experts. 

On-Page SEO versus Off-Page SEO

When you dig deeper into the world of SEO, you’ll see quite a few unique phrases and terms. It can be challenging to keep up with all of them as SEO is a wide and varied aspect of digital marketing. But for an SEO crash course, it can be helpful to begin by separating types of SEO methods and tools into two large categories: on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

So, what’s the difference here? On-page SEO refers to SEO strategies that take place directly on your site (thus, on-page) that you have more or less control over. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, refers to things you can not directly relate to your site to boost your overall SEO and drive more organic traffic to your web pages.

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Important on-page SEO factors include:

  • Keywords: using the right keywords in your copy is essential to match with the right web users looking for your products or services.
  • Content: content is king in the world of SEO; therefore, publishing reliable, intriguing, and consistent content is important.
  • Multimedia: videos and images can also improve your SEO.
  • Meta descriptions: short descriptions of pages to attract users.
  • Image optimizations: ensuring that your images are titled with proper keywords.
  • E-A-T: this popular acronym stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Essentially, these are qualities that Google is looking for in every aspect of your site—especially your content.

Important off-page SEO factors include:

  • Inbound links: which links are directing users back to your site? Are they reliable and trustworthy?
  • Social media presence: managing your social company is critical today and can draw in tons of users.
  • Domain age: how old is your domain? Older domains show more reliability for Google and other search engines.
  • Reviews: do people approve of your products and overall site? Managing reviews and responding to them is beneficial for your overall SEO presence. 

Conclusion – What’s the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO?

If you’re looking for a product or service, there’s no easier way to find what you need than by hopping online. With an endless selection of sites and services, you can quickly find what you need at the most competitive price. And while this is amazing for online shoppers, it can also be a bit tricky for website owners. With so many possibilities, how will they ever land on my specific website for what they need? It’s all about SEO and digital marketing.

SEO works to improve your site from a few different perspectives so that you can rank better on Google’s search engine results pages. While it’s advisable to work with SEO experts to really get you on track for landing on page one of Google, there are many SEO tools and strategies that any site owner can utilize to make a real impact on their rankings. Focusing on both on-page and off-page SEO strategies in tandem can deliver accurate results and, at the same time, improve your overall site. Thus, not only will search engines like (and then rank) your site better, but you can also stand to improve the overall user experience, which will drive more and more customers back to your website.

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