How to Track Website Visitors: The Top Software and Tools for 2021

Do you get a lot of people visiting your website but not many sales? Think about how you track website visitors and if they’re even the right people for your business.

The right tools for tracking visitors can help you see who is visiting your site and what they’re doing. Then, you can optimize your traffic to increase conversions.

Keep reading to learn about a few types of tools to track website visitors.


One of the most important tools to track website visitors is an analytics tool. Google Analytics is the most popular option because you can use it with almost any website.

However, WordPress websites can use Jetpack to track visitor analytics. Squarespace and Wix also have their own analytics tools that you can use to keep track of your stats.

No matter which tool you use, your analytics can show you how many people visit your site each day. You can see where you get most of your traffic, such as through search, social media, or direct visits.

Your analytics can help you see which pages or posts are performing well and which ones aren’t. The reports show data in numbers, so they’re a great tool to use when improving your site.

Lead Tracking

Lead tracking tools help you identify individual leads who go to your site. You can use these tools to track that lead’s activity, such as if they view a certain page or buy a product.

The tools let you track how long someone stays on your site and how often they visit. Then, you can use that information to target them in your next ad campaign.

Leadfeeder and Lead Forensics are a couple of website visitor tracking tools that can help you with leads. If you want to focus on Facebook for advertising, you can also use Facebook Pixel on your site.

Each of these tools can track someone’s IP address and other unique information, so you can make sure to target the best leads. Then, you can make the most of your advertising budget.


A website heatmap shows you where on the page your visitors look the most. You can use different types of these maps to track behavior and compare the performance of multiple pages.

The right heatmap software can help you track where people spend time reading, where they click, and where they select or copy text. Then, you can see which parts of the page are the most engaging.

Using heatmaps can tell you how you can improve your website design to get more conversions. If you find that people aren’t looking at the spot where they can buy, then you need to adjust your page.

You can move the button to buy to a place that does get more views. Then, you can get more sales and earn more revenue. But you don’t have to waste time or money on getting new leads.

Overlay Reports

An overlay report is great for reviewing user behavior with different dimensions. This type of report separates the different elements on a web page.

Then, you can see how and where people click on a given page. While you may know where you can click, your customers might not always understand.

If you find that you get a lot of clicks on a part of the page where clicking doesn’t do anything, that’s a problem. Your website design might be confusing, or that specific page may be the issue.

Looking at each element can help you determine if visitors understand how to use your site. User experience is crucial for keeping visitors, so using an overlay report is useful.

Confetti Report

Another tool to use is a confetti report, which can show you where people click. However, it can also show you how people use the page overall.

You can review the activity based on different characteristics, such as:

  • Referral source
  • Device
  • Browser
  • Country
  • Time of day
  • Day of the week

By looking at the different characteristics, you can learn how different types of people use your site. If you get a lot of visitors from mobile devices, a tool like Crazy Egg can tell you that you need to optimize your site for mobile use.

Reviewing activity on your site can help you redesign pages so that they meet your goal. For example, you may learn that customers click away from your products, so you can make the goal to buy easier to see.


Another great feature from tools like Crazy Egg is a scrollmap. It’s similar to a heatmap because it tracks how people use a page. But it focuses on how far people will scroll before they go to a different page.

This is one of the best ways to track website visitors because it can tell you if your content is interesting. If someone doesn’t scroll far before leaving a blog post, the post may not be engaging.

On the other hand, if someone doesn’t scroll down a product page to buy, that means your page isn’t converting. You can combine scrollmaps with other tools to see how you can redesign your page to increase results.

List Reports

Many of these website visitor tracking tools use visuals, which is great. However, visuals can sometimes be hard to understand. Luckily, a list report tool can take away any uncertainty for you and your business.

Looking at lists and other number-based reports can help you understand things objectively. You can’t argue with numbers, so seeing them can help you create a new strategy to help your website convert visitors.

List reports can still tell you about how people use your website, but it uses numbers instead of colors or other markers. That way, you can easily determine which elements or pages get the most clicks.

How Will You Track Website Visitors?

Being able to track website visitors can mean the difference between getting more sales or seeing traffic drop. That’s why it’s so important to create a website that meets all of your needs or to find a top custom web design company that will be ready to help you along the way. Whether you want to rely on analytics tools, like what does assigning a value to a google analytics goal enable? or incorporate lead tracking software, you need something.

That way, you can figure out where visitors are coming from and if they’re doing what you want them to. If not, you can make some changes to increase conversions.

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