How Estate Agents Can Successfully Embrace Internet Marketing

Embrace Internet Marketing: Are you starting a new estate agent business? Or perhaps you’ve been operating as a traditional brick-and-mortar outlet and have yet to fully make the jump to the internet? Whatever the situation, it’s clear: your company needs to embrace online marketing.

In the past, homebuyers would search for a new abode by looking through their local newspaper or visiting a nearby estate agent premises. These days, however, the main port of call is the internet. In just a matter of seconds, someone can visit a property website, input specific criteria like price and location, and be inundated with relevant listings.

Due to this trend shift, it’s imperative that, as an estate agent, you’re present on the internet. To do this successfully, below are a few tips to develop your marketing efforts.

Build A Website

With so many property listing sites available, creating a website for your estate agents may seem somewhat redundant. Yet, this absolutely isn’t the case. A dedicated website helps build trust with potential customers and provides them with additional information about your business. Most importantly, it’s the foundation for your marketing efforts.

Due to its importance, your website has to be at the top of its game. A slapdash, amateur effort will drive away customers rather than attaining them. Plus, if it’s clunky, slow, and unoptimized, your search engine ranking will suffer substantially.

This is why it makes a lot of sense to work with a professional web design agency. ALT Agency is an expert at pixel perfect website design for estate agents, and their proficiency and knowledge means all areas – even those you’re not aware about – are covered.

Utilize Real Estate Listing Sites

This is a no-brainer. All major real estate companies reside on major listing sites like Zillow, Trulia, and Redfin, and your company should be no different. This is where virtually all property searches begin online, so you need to be there and ready to show up during relevant searches.

However, you can go above and beyond with your listings. Forget about going with a simple template description and lackluster imagery. Instead, property descriptions should be creative, detailed, and inspiring for the reader. As for images, camera angles can go a long way to capturing properties and individual rooms in an eye-catching light. Furthermore, for that additional spark, there are various photo editing techniques to supply your shots with even more appeal.

Go The Extra Mile With Video

Embrace Internet Marketing:: Photos are a great visual representation of a property. Yet you can go one step further by creating videos. Going around a premises and filming everything gives potential customers an even closer insight into a property.

Again, it’s important you don’t go with an amateur approach when creating videos. You don’t have to reach movie production levels, obviously, —but the editing should be clean and efficient. In addition, you want to ensure you use a stabilizer device when filming – the last thing you want is for someone to suffer motion sickness due to the camera bouncing around!

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