Don’t Wait for a Cyber Attack: Conduct Periodic Vulnerability Assessments Now 

As technologies have advanced, so have the risks associated with cyber threats. It’s alarming to see that many  organizations still ignore this critical aspect of their business. Are you one of them? If yes, it’s time to take action before  cybercriminals get a chance to attack. One way to secure your company’s IT assets is by regularly checking for  vulnerabilities in your environment and quickly responding to potential threats. This is where cybersecurity vulnerability  assessments come into play – they help you identify and address security weaknesses before they turn into a full-blown cyber attack. So, let’s dive deeper into the world of cybersecurity and learn how vulnerability assessments can help protect  your business from cyber threats.

Vulnerability assessment is a crucial procedure that helps organizations identify vulnerabilities in their IT systems to  prevent any unauthorized access or online breaches. It involves a comprehensive assessment that provides the enterprise with the necessary knowledge, awareness, and risk background information to mitigate potential risks. It is essential to  understand the threats posed by the environment and react accordingly.

According to Purplesec, on average, the cost companies pay for data breaches is $3.86 million, and on average, it takes  191 days for the companies to identify the data breach.

The abovementioned figures are alarming, and no organization wants to face them. Vulnerability assessment services are  essential in averting such threats.

What is the root cause of data breaches?  

By sharing some statistics, we hope to help you understand why data breaches occur.

  • 74% of cybersecurity breaches are a result of human error. (Verizon)
  • In April 2021, a vulnerability that was two years old was discovered, which exposed the personal information of over 533 million users. (Auth0)
  • 94% of malware is delivered through email. (Verizon)
  • Between November 2021 and October 2022, Microsoft Office applications were the most commonly targeted software worldwide, accounting for 70% of all exploits. (Statista)
  • Phishing attack was the most common initial attack vector, accounting for 41% of incidents. (IBM) • During the pandemic, 20% of organizations experienced a security breach caused by remote workers. (Malwarebytes) • Nearly half of all cybersecurity breaches – 43 percent – are caused by threats from insiders, whether intentional or unintentional. (Check Point)
  • Out of all the data breaches that occur, 19% of them involve actors who are internal to the organization. (Verizon)

As an organization, your first step towards improving your IT security should be finding a partner who can provide you  with the best vulnerability assessment solutions.

If you had a cybersecurity assessment performed a year ago and assume that you are currently secure, you are mistaken.  The reason being that 40% of data breaches occur due to vulnerabilities in web applications, as indicated by statistics. This

is just one of the many reasons why regular cybersecurity assessments are essential, considering that almost every  organization possesses sensitive information.

Let’s explore the reasons why conducting periodic cybersecurity assessments is essential.

1. To Identify the vulnerabilities in your network

Regular scanning of the network is crucial in identifying vulnerabilities present in the system and protecting it against  potential threats. It’s not just enough to test your system against the latest hacking strategies; you also need to test it  against other updated threats. Performing periodic scans of your external and internal network can help you determine  the current state of cybersecurity and any recent changes in its dynamics.

2. To hunt down attack windows

It’s important to hunt down or trace the attack window when new software vulnerabilities occur. When these  vulnerabilities are discovered, they are reported as CVEs. As soon as a new vulnerability is reported, it should be addressed as quickly as possible. This is because threat actors will try to exploit the weakness by developing malicious code.

The period before a patch is released is often called the “attack window.” During this time, attackers can take advantage  of the vulnerability. It’s critical to stay vigilant during this time and take action to prevent any attacks.

If you’re not regularly checking for vulnerabilities, it could be months before you realize that an attack has occurred and  that your system is vulnerable. Scanning regularly helps to identify any exposed vulnerabilities, allowing you to implement proactive security measures to protect your system.

3. To verify the change management process is secure

Regular vulnerability scans ensure that your organization’s change management methods have not missed any crucial  patches. Making it more difficult to modify the efficiency of your system makes it harder to keep up with the changes.

4. To verify the actions of third-party service providers

Many people trust IT vendors to provide reliable services and support. However, it’s important to verify that they are  actually fulfilling their promises and delivering the agreed-upon services outlined in the contract.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know if your system is vulnerable until testing is conducted. This is why a cybersecurity  vulnerability assessment is essential to ensure the security of your system.

Even if you use third-party vendor solutions like bulk email or system administration services, vulnerability assessment  services can assess their performance and security levels.

5. To provide assurance

Assuring your customers that their data is safe is crucial in any business. With the rising prevalence of cyber attacks, it has  become essential to assess risk awareness. We have reached a point where consumers must trust enterprises to have a  robust cybersecurity strategy in place; otherwise, their data will not be secure.

6. To identify risks associated with third-party JavaScript

Nowadays, it is common for websites to use third-party client-side JavaScript libraries to enhance their functionality.  However, developers often find it time-consuming to incorporate these libraries into their applications. These libraries  come from remote servers and contain code from unknown sources. It’s difficult to determine whether these sources are

trustworthy or not. To minimize the risk of dangerous third-party JavaScript, websites should undergo periodic  cybersecurity assessments to identify any potential red flags.

How often should we run cybersecurity vulnerability scans? 

It is recommended that the organization performs a cybersecurity vulnerability assessment on a weekly or quarterly basis.  Alternatively, partial scans can be conducted daily, depending on your specific cybersecurity requirements.

The Bottom Line 

As a business owner, it is imperative to prioritize the evaluation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Neglecting this crucial  step could lead to regrettable consequences down the line.

Work with CISOs, CIOs, or CTOs to set up a framework for the vulnerability management process or seek out the expertise  of trusted cybersecurity service providers that deliver affordable and top-notch vulnerability assessment solutions. Sattrix  InfoSec is a Managed Cybersecurity Services Provider that offers vulnerability management services, including managed  vulnerability assessment, patch management, and remediation solutions.

We sincerely hope this article has shed light on the importance of cybersecurity vulnerability assessment and that you  found it helpful.

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