What is Cluster Computing? Definition, Advantages, and Types

Previous computing capabilities were good at solving simple problems, but they can’t keep current technology and advancements in sync. The price scenarios, poor performance, reliability, and some of the other reasons could not give access to the managing of large amounts of data, and the old computer systems cannot solve today’s IT problems. In this context, IT departments introduced an innovative approach to solving the limitations of a single system, namely “cluster computing.” The advantages of this latest technology allowed many companies to implement this technology in their activities. And today, that meaning has led us to discuss these concepts. Let’s clarify this technology.

What is Cluster Computing?

Cluster computing refers to many computers that connect to a network and work as a unit. Each computer connected to the network is called a node. Cluster Computing offers solutions for solving severe problems through faster computing speed and higher data integrity. Connected computers perform all operations together and create the print as a single system (virtual machine). This process is known as system transparency. This network technology carries out its services based on the principle of distributed systems. And here, LAN is the connecting unit. This process defined as the transparency of the system. Cluster computing has the following characteristics:

  • All connected computers are of the same machine type
  • They are closely linked to one another via dedicated network connections.
  • All computers share a standard home directory.

The hardware configuration of the clusters depends on the network technologies selected. The cluster classified as open and closed clusters in which the open clusters of all nodes require IP and which can only access via the Internet or the web. This type of clustering creates advanced security problems. In the closed cluster, the nodes are hidden behind the gateway node and offer better protection.

Cluster Computing Types

Clusters often used in terms of the importance of the data or content processed and the expected processing speed. These clustering concepts are heavily used by sites and applications that assume higher availability without downtime and high load balancing capabilities.

Types of Cluster Computing labeled below:

  1. Cluster Load Balancing: here, the workload is distributed evenly across multiple servers installed on the cluster network.
  2. High Availability (HA) Cluster – A group of clusters that guarantee very high availability. Computers extracted from these systems considered very reliable and, in no case, can cause downtime.
  3. High-Performance Group (HP): This computer networking tactic uses supercomputers and group computers to solve complex and sophisticated computing problems.

High Availability (HA):

Computers fail very often. High availability goes hand in hand with our growing reliance on computers as they are currently playing an important role. Mainly in companies whose most important functionality is precisely the provision of some stable computer services such as e-business and databases.

A cluster with high accessibility aims to maintain the availability of the services offered by a computer system through server replication and redundant hardware and software reconfiguration services. Here several computers function together as one, each observing the other and tying up their services if one of them fails. There is a loss of computing power here, but availability is the key consideration. Fault tolerance achieved through redundant supplies and maps, as well as through the publication of alternative routes via fully connected systems that incredibly networked.

Cluster Load Balancing:

With the increased use of the network and the Internet, load balancing acts as a key factor within these clusters. However, this cluster network capacity and higher performance easily achieved. Here, all nodes remain integrated across all instances, so all of these node entities know the requirements on your network. The systems do not work together in a single procedure, but rather deal with the queries separately, as they appear according to a scheduling algorithm. Another important factor in cluster management is scalability, which largely achieved when each server at full capacity.

Many problems arise during load balancing between servers that have the same ability to respond to clients because the servers can handle multiple requests, which can lead to confusion between them. However, as an element that applies and creates a balance between servers and users, we can put several servers on one side so that they appear to be a single address for clients. A typical example of these scenarios is Linux user servers.

Advantages of Cluster Computing

The benefits listed below.

  1. Cost efficiency: Compared to highly stable mainframe computers with higher storage capacity, this form of a cluster computer system seen as the most inexpensive and cheaper. Also, most of these systems offer superior performance over mainframe computer systems.
  2. Processing speed: The processing speed is also the same as mainframe systems and other forms of supercomputers on the market.
  3. Expandability – Scalability, and expandability is the next key benefit of these bundled systems. because they offer the ability to add any number of additional resources or systems to the existing computer network.
  4. High availability of resources: Computers very often confronted with failures. High availability goes hand in hand with our growing reliance on computers, as they are currently playing an important role, especially in companies whose most important functionality is precisely providing a stable computer service, such as B. e-business, databases. Availability plays the following key role in these systems. The failure of one of the currently active nodes can propagate to the other active nodes. When this message received, the other set of nodes acts as a proxy for the inactive node. It ensures a higher availability of these systems.


Well, cluster computing loosely connected or tightly coupled computers that seek to allow end-users to function as one system. In addition to this logic, these computer systems ensure continued performance and availability that make these computers very popular and attractive to customers in these competitive markets.

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