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Author: kamran sharief

kamran sharief

TOP-5 eSports Games to Play in 2021

TOP-5 eSports Games to Play in 2021

If you are a real superhero deep down but don't have much time to grow muscles and study at West Point you'll definitely choose esports games. A rush of adrenaline and a deep immersion in

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Cybersecurity Checklist for Remote Workers

Cybersecurity Checklist for Remote Workers

Remote work is no longer just an anter option for many people. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions across the globe to perform their official duties from within the confinements of their homes. While remote

Latest Technology
8 Transformational Technologies for the Elderly 

8 Transformational Technologies for the Elderly 

No one likes the thought of growing older, but it’s a natural part of life. Fortunately, as more and more of us are living longer, there are also more gadgets and technologies than ever to

The 3 Best Digital Healthcare Apps for Patients

The 3 Best Digital Healthcare Apps for Patients

Digital Healthcare Apps: Many mobile apps classify themselves within the health category, but not all can be termed “healthcare” apps. For instance, applications designed to teach you HIIT workout or yoga might propel you closer

Most Popular Payment Methods In Online Casinos

Most Popular Payment Methods In Online Casinos

Online casino payment methods can come in different shapes and sizes. So, if you want to play casino games but want to be able to withdraw your winnings without having to take out your credit

What is CNC Machining? Definition, Process, and Types of CNC Machining Operations

What is CNC Machining? Definition, Process, and Types of CNC Machining Operations

CNC machining is a term that is widely used in manufacturing and industrial applications. What exactly does the acronym CNC stand for and what is a CNC machine? The term CNC stands for Computer Numerical

Best Android Emulator For GTA San Andreas

Best Android Emulator For GTA San Andreas

GTA San Andreas is an iconic game developed by Rockstar Entertainment. The game is known for its sandbox-style gameplay with a vast open-world set in the '90s filled with opportunities, weapons, vehicles, and an intriguing

Uptick Tech
How Installing Outdoor Shed Kits the Perfect Solution To Avoid Storage Hassles

How Installing Outdoor Shed Kits the Perfect Solution To Avoid Storage Hassles

Are you planning to purchase an outdoor storage shed kit? If you answered yes, then you made a perfect choice. An outdoor shed kit can enable you to reach your storage needs. You can make