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Author: kamran sharief

kamran sharief

Advantages Of Having A Smartwatch

Advantages Of Having A Smartwatch

A smartwatch is like a mini phone tied around your wrist; you can connect it to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Unlike standard watches, smart watches read time to offer more functions than just telling time. Many

Meaning of Ed-tech and Why it Matters

Meaning of Ed-tech and Why it Matters

It is a section of technology that gets used in the development and the application of specific tools such as hardware, process, and many more to promote education. Ed-tech will make the education sector much

Latest Technology
ThriveDX: Getting Started In Coding & Cybersecurity Bootcamp

ThriveDX: Getting Started In Coding & Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Coding boot camps are intensive, fast-tracked learning programs that teach digital skills. These skills include Data Science, Full-Stack Web Development, UX/UI Design, and Digital Marketing. Via project-based learning, coding boot camps prepare students for a

6 Advantages of using cryptocurrencies in 2022

6 Advantages of using cryptocurrencies in 2022

Cryptocurrencies - In 2022, the world is a very different place. The US had finally abolished the penny, and Solana—the new cryptocurrency of choice for online transactions—had already reached a $3.5 billion market cap. In

Top Reasons to Use Welding Robots

Top Reasons to Use Welding Robots

Welding Robots: Inrotech A/S has been at the forefront of producing the best welding robots, and this is because we have tried to get the best of inclusions as well. We know that today the

Start Ups
Top 6 Tips for Creating a Business Offer and Attracting Investors

Top 6 Tips for Creating a Business Offer and Attracting Investors

Creating a Business Offer and Attracting Investors: You may have an innovative business idea and a clear road map, but is that enough to make your dream company come true? Not quite. To grow, you

Designing Effective Performance Reports for Contract Management

Designing Effective Performance Reports for Contract Management

In today's highly competitive business environment, effective contract management is not just a necessity, but a strategic advantage. To leverage this advantage, one key tool at your disposal is performance reports. These reports provide critical

Latest Technology
Should I use a VPN on my Android phone?

Should I use a VPN on my Android phone?

Today our smartphones are constantly connected to the internet. Data security and online privacy should be a problem for anyone with a smartphone. What if someone intercepts your internet traffic and receives sensitive information like