How To Create Responsive Web Page Layouts

Web Page Layouts: There are many different devices to keep in mind when building your web page layouts today. From phones to tablets, to full-on PCs, your site design needs to work on all these layouts. Which means you need to have a separate website for every device, right?

Not when you can build an adaptive website with responsive web design! Advances in the technology of web development mean that you can build one website and adapt it to different layouts. Read on to learn how to create responsive page layouts!

What Is Responsive Design?

Responsive web design is an approach in web development that lets your content adapt to the screen and window sizes of the different devices in use today. For example, on a desktop, your site might have columns and sidebars. But on a mobile device, your content will all be in one column, since the screen can’t accommodate it.

With a responsive website, your users can check your site on the go and still access all its features. This approach has supplanted adaptive design, which is an approach that uses separate templates for every device. Instead of the templates, responsive web design is controlled through HTML5 and CSS code.

Adjust The Screen Resolution

You can adjust the screen resolution using a function of CSS called a media query. This is what allows your web page layout to change based on the device. Using the various properties of the media query, you can set your page’s margin and width based on the physical screen size of different devices.

Fluid And Flexible Grids

Instead of setting a static value for your layouts, you can make them fluid by using percentage values instead. This resizes the elements based on the screen size. Though, sometimes you want something more flexible.

You can use the flexbox module of CSS to make a container that lets items expand or shrink to fill available space. They go beyond that and allow you to work these elements almost like text. You can align the elements left, right, or justify.

Flexible Images And Video

You can do a lot with images using responsive web design. This includes resizing based on the device accessing the site while still preserving the aspect ratio. A lot of this also applies to video containers, especially the aspect ratio, which you can use to force the video container to resize dynamically.

Test The Responsiveness

The most important part of this process is checking how your responsive website works on different screens and layouts. But, you don’t need to buy a host of different devices to test this! You can use a responsive design tester.

This is a special website set up to mimic how a website looks under specific conditions. You can see how your website looks on the latest iPhone or Galaxy Note. That way, the only thing left is to worry about collecting more of those backlinks!

Responsive Web Page Layouts

Responsive web page layouts are important in web development because it means more people can see your website the way you intended it. It works on more devices and screens and works better than a statically designed web page. Make sure your next website uses responsive design!

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