3 Examples of Automation in Manufacturing

Automation in Manufacturing: Technological advancements are transforming the manufacturing industry. New equipment and software is creating opportunities for automation in ways that we have never seen before. For business owners, this means a massive uptick in productivity, a reduction in human error, and safer factory floors.

It’s crucial that manufacturing companies invest in automation if they are to keep up and survive. Without automation, you will not be able to offer the same lead times and quality of the product that your competitors can. Unfortunately, there are a lot of companies that are behind the times, and you could be one of them.

The main reason that businesses fail to adopt automation is that they don’t know how to implement it. This list of some common examples of automation will help you understand how it could be used in your business.

Conveyor Systems

This is one that you may already be using, and it’s one of the oldest examples of automation. Instead of having people move items and components around the factory floor manually, automate it with a conveyor system. A system of fluent conveyors can be used to move all kinds of goods, drastically increasing efficiency. It also means that your employees don’t have to do as much heavy lifting, so you reduce the chances of an accident at the same time. This is a simple but effective way to start introducing automation into your manufacturing operation.


Research and development in robotics have come a long way in the last few years. Robotic elements have been used in manufacturing for a long while, but more advanced machines are being built all the time. In the near future, they will be a central part of the manufacturing process. Advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning mean that robots can take on more complex tasks and can move around the factory floor much as a person would. Having these versatile machines in your operation can improve productivity across the board. They will be particularly effective for performing dangerous tasks where real people could get seriously injured.

Big Data

Big data is part of the automation revolution, and it can benefit your manufacturing operation in so many ways. You can monitor and collect data about all of the different pieces of equipment, how they are operating, and when they break down. By analyzing all of that data, you can then determine how and when maintenance should be carried out, allowing you to avoid expensive downtime and prevent serious malfunctions before they happen.

Using big data can also help you pinpoint inefficiencies in the workflow and correct them, so you can work faster and still get the same results. You can use it to monitor inventory levels and automate ordering too. Information is a valuable currency, and big data has the power to completely revolutionize manufacturing. Unfortunately, many businesses are yet to realize its potential.

Automation is the way of the future. Your business should start investing in these tools now so you can stay ahead of the curve.

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